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Write Afro-Arabic With Me (4/5) - Group 1 Letters

Wait! Before you read on have you got...? :

✔️2 pencils

✔️a rubber

✔️a rubber/ elastic band

✔️ sharpener

✔️ paper

✔️ some colours

💃🏾Great!... because that's all you're going to need throughout this series of mini live tutorials 'Write Afro-Arabic With Me'.

In the last live, we'd stopped by the South of the African continent and you were shown a colouring technique for your pattern.

Today we move further up and towards the South Western coast to the African country Sierra Leone.

We merge a pattern from its traditional clothing to add our African spice.

Feel celebrated✨ & send a picture of your attempts no matter how small or big in the comments or in my group "Black" Women Learning Arabic - Beginners & Basic Users on fb.

🚩Heads up! Until the 11th of this month of September you have 75% OFF of Afrabics Bitesize modules.

Get comfortable with writing, reading & pronouncing Arabic in a safe space for "Black" sisters like you also at the start of their Arabic learning journey.

At checkout enter coupon code: summer_discount

Feel like getting familiar with Arabic letters on your own. Tracing downloads with Afro-centric frames via my link 🔗here👆🏾.

Click to watch the mini live tutorial.

If you want to be up to date with my services you can join my Facebook group ''Black'' Women Learning Arabic and get a FREE monthly 1:2:1 session with me in either Egyptian Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), or Afrabics(Afro-Arabic).

👋🏾See you on the other side, God willing🌸!