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Arabic Grammar - Nouns (2/5)

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Arabic Grammar - Nouns (1/5)

Remember :

  • to brainstorm what you know about the topic in your own native tongue before diving into the Arabic grammar. It will help you to make a conscious decision that you recognise that you are dealing with 2 different language systems and not expect a copy paste of what you already know in your native tongue.

  • Nouns in Arabic in their neutral form are مرفوع. Which means that above the last letter of the noun there will be a ضمة. What is a ضمة ? Stop right here! You need to first start here sister before you continue.

In the last live mini tutorial you had a look at the various roles it had with Arabic nouns.

In today's mini live tutorial, you couldn't see both my face and the presentation together, and so I've done a short reel for you.

In today's 2nd mini tutorial of 5 you learn about:

  1. nominal sentences
  2. demonstratives in Arabic

Enjoy another tutorial and look out for the next pdf downloads to check your understanding FREE. You can also check in with me in the ''Black'' Women Learning Arabic group or book an Arabic coaching session with me here.